
Welcome to the Adelaide University Hockey Club!

At AUHC, we provide a fun and social hockey club for any hockey ability from beginners to elite. We have teams in most senior grades in the Adelaide Metropolitan competition, including Premier League.

The 2025 winter season will commence at the end of March. Pre-season training for our higher grade teams will start on Tuesday 28th January. Training times can be found under the About > Coaches and Training tab. 

For our lower grades, 'Hump day hit around' will commence on Wednesday 5th February at 6:30pm for 3 weeks and is just a casual hit for both men and women, new comers and old timers. Everyone is welcome. Official training will start on Wednesday 26th February. 

If you would like further information on pre-season or joining one of our teams for next season, please email info@auhc.asn.au. 

We will be running a Term 1 2025 after school hockey program for primary school children. Start date is Thursday 20th February from 5-6pm. Please feel free to click on the juniors tab or email info@auhc.asn.au if you are interested.

For pitch bookings, please contact Adelaide University Sport on 8313 5403 or email sportsfacilities@adelaide.edu.au


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